Constructions"Zing When the Strings of my Heart" Polychromed carved wood, chair parts, stained glass, mandolin tuners & strings, electric lights 42"x21"x12" $4500 | The Death of Marvin Gaye Polychromed carved wood, plywood 44"x41"x10" $4800 | The Monk's Dream Polychromed carved wood, plywood, mylar, styrofoam, sand, stained glass 48"x39"x14" $3800 | Sheba Dreams Polychromed carved wood, twine, copper wire, wood and copper beads, coral 36"x30"x6" $1100 | Sun Ra Returns To Saturn Polychromed carved wood, plywood, cloth, plastic water tubes, upholstery tacks 36" base diameter, 5" depth $4400 | Angel Lyre Polychromed carved wood, tuning mechanism, brass strings 17"x11.5" $800 | Laughing Demon Polychromed carved wood, glass/plexiglass inlay, brass tacks and tubing 31"x12" $1000 | Ecstatic Brotherhood Polychromed carved wood, stained glass inlay, coral, twine, copper wire, wood beads 37"x11.5" $1000 | St. Patrick Polychromed carved wood 39"x16" $900 | Rainmakers Polychromed carved wood 39"x16" $700 | | |